Central Baptist Church has a long history of commitment to building relationships in Central America, beginning with the congregation's vote in 1984 to participate in the Sanctuary Movement during the war in El Salvador. Mauricio, our first sanctuary refugee, arrived at CBC in February 1985.

Delegations of congregation members have traveled to El Salvador on numerous occasions. We have participated in emergency rebuilding efforts after hurricanes and floods, worked on building a worship space in Santa Elena, represented Philadelphia area congregations with our sister city program in Las Anonas, provided financial support for many projects, supported work at the Baptist Seminary in Santa Ana, participated in official anniversary events honoring Archbishop Oscar Romero and others, worked as official observers during elections, and established enduring personal friendships with our partner congregations.

addition, we regularly host visitors from El Salvador, both personal friends and also representatives from various Salvadoran organizations. On two occasions in the past, we have provided extended housing and hospitality to Salvadoran students enrolled in graduate programs in our area. Pastors from our partner churches in Santa Elena, Santa Ana, and Atiquizaya have visited our congregation, as well as delegations of members of those churches.



  • Katy Friggle-Norton supports Salvadoran refugees in Leon, Nicaragua, as they protested to go home (Feb 91)
  • Delegation to Sta. Elena and Las Anonas (Aug 91): Michaela Spampinato, Carol Neubert, Alex Neubert, Martha Neubert, Ellen Green?, Heather Long, Pete Berol, Andy Smith, Nancy Daniel, Steve Jones, Gwenyth Lewis, Katy Friggle-Norton, Christine Sohn, JD Munday, Jennifer Munday
  • Santa Elena pastor Arnoldo Rodriguez visits CBC
  • Going Home book is published